
Two New Sequences

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We are going to continue to develop our two-movement sequences today. We have explored the following combinations so far:
1. Au Cortado and Rotation Into Low Bridge
2. Role and Au Cortado
3. Role and QDR Rotational Push ups

Today we will work on two more:

4. Role and Rotation Into Low Bridge
5. Rotation Into Low Bridge and QDR Rotational Push Ups

Mind you, besides the use of Rotation Into Low Bridge, Role, QDR Rotational Push Ups and Au Cortado we also have what I like to call 'Transitional Movement' - the Squat. So, each dynamic movement we do, start at the Squat and end with a Squat. Remember this when you practice.

Role And Rotation Into Low Bridge

The easiest variation will be to perform a full Role - Squat to Squat and then add an Entry Rotation Into Low Bridge. Hold, come back to Squat and repeat to the other side.

The intermidiate variation will be to perform a full Role and a full Rotation Into Low Bridge.

The advanced variation will be a full Role and a One Arm Rotation Into Low Bridge.

Rotation Into Low Bridge And QDR Rotational Push Ups

The beginner variation will be an Entry Rotation Into Low Bridge, come back to Squat and then a variation you can handle of the QDR Rotational Push Ups.

The intermidiate variation will be a full Rotation Into Low Bridge, come back to Squat and a QDR Rotational Push Ups. (legs in the air)

The advanced variation will be a One Arm Rotation Into Low Bridge, come back to Squat and then a QDR Rotational Push Ups and back to Squat.