It is exactly as it sounds - a Corta Capim Rotations only performed in reverse. It is a more challanging variation of the Corta Capim.
The same details as the normal version still go here:
1. The rotating foot will slide on the floor on it heel first, then the side of the foot, (knife of the foot) then the top of the foot, the inside of it and finaly back to the heel.
2. Completely extand the leg at all times during the rotation. You want to create the biggest circle possible with the rotation, there is a special tendency to shorten the arc in the back - making it easier but not complete. Dont fall into this trap. Perfect practice makes perfect. Take it slow and work the details.
Hanging Leg Raises
This is an essential part of my training for abdomen and hip flexors strength.
The hanging leg raise should be achieved by... anyone. In my opinion it is a very natural and useful pattern of movement - pulling your legs up while hanging. Before tackling more advanced hanging feats like the Front Lever, I like to see people first perfecting this skill.
The HLR has an active flexibility component to it, making it an even more complete package than other traditional abdominal exercises.
The most basic progression I take novices through is the Swedish Bench HLR.
Installing the Swedish Bench in the proper height allows for fine tunning of the exercise intensity until the full vertical variation is possible. Keep increasing the height of the bench anchor point with time. A rep counts as a rep only when you touch the bench with your feet.
Once vertical HLRs are possible, one possibility is to concentrate on the upper half of the movement - performing 0-90 Degrees Hanging Leg Raises, starting in a hanging L-sit and going up to the bar and back.
Another challanging variation that includes an upper back component to it, along with an advanced core challangeis the One Arm Hanging Leg Raises. Very simple - hang from a pull up bar with one arm only. Lift your feet to the bar and back and repeat for reps.
Simple but not easy. If you are able to perform HLRs but not the one arm version, I suggest you concentrate on increasing the number of reps, until 5 is achieved, then add a static pause at the top, until 5 sec is possible in all 5 reps, then add weight. In addition, start to play with one arm hangs from the pull up bar - up to sets of 30-45 sec. This combination will allow you eventualy to progress to the one arm version.
Today we will plunge into the world of pulling strength and learn a new static position, adding to our Equilibre/handbalancing vocabulary.
90-90 Iso Pull Up Hang
This is a very good static position to concentrate on, (along with other pulling static positions that will be introduced in the future) that combines upper arm, back, hip flexor and core challanges.
Basicly, hanging from a high bar, in a supinated (chin up) or pronated (pull up) grip, bend the elbows in a 90 degrees angle, and lift your knees or full extended legs in a 90 degree angle to your body. Hold the position for the required amount of time and come down.
90-90 One Arm Iso Chin Up Hang
This is a more advanced version - using only one arm to hold in position. A special attention should be given to stop the rotation of the body inwards - hold the position facing the front and using a chin up supinated grip.
To work towards this skill, use a short rope hanging from the pull up bar - and hold it with the free hand to assist you. The lower you grab, the less help you get.
Frog Stance
This is a basic static Equilibre position used before more advanced variations can be achieved. It will help both your handstand practice (in conjunction with the other handstand exercises I have shared before) and the developement of other static position such as the QDR, Air Baby, etc..
Start in a low squat, place your hands a bit more than shoulder width apart, fingers pointing forward on the ground. Put your knees on top of your elbow-triceps and lean forward, without taking the head too low towards the ground. Extending the elbow angle will require a bit more strength but will allow a higher position to be held. Make sure you pull your heels towards your butt and breath shallowly without disturbing the musclulature involved in the balance. Hold for time and come back to Squat.
Air Baby Extensions
This is a developmental exercise, for someone who has achieved a strong Frog Stance and wants to advance into the Air Baby position.
Start in a similar position to the frog stance, but with one hand rotated out in a 90 degree angle and the other a bit more forward.
Lift into the position, and after shifting the weight to the rotated hand side, straighten the opposite leg back and forth, slowly and while maintaining balance.
In order to do so, you will have to shift the weight a bit to the active side, and this will start you on your way to build control and strength in the side position - essential for the future Air Baby position.
A harder variation also demonstrated in the clip is to straighten the leg back and rotate the pelvis sideways at the same time - putting more weight on the active side and comming one step closer to the one arm Air Baby.
Repeat for reps, come down, and perform on the opposite side.
Static Air Baby
This exercise is for someone already comfortable with the advanced variation of the Air Baby Extensions.
The easiest position is the Air Baby with two hand support on the ground. Start in the Air Baby extension exercise and reach the fully extended position - leg both back and rotated out. Hold for time, repeat on the other side.
A more advanced variations will include lifting into the fingertips and eventualy two or one fingers of the free hand. Basicly keep rotating out the pelvis and extending back with the leg, while straightening the elbow angle and maintaining strong core tension. Also, push into the ground with your active hand and extend the shoulder out, widening the scapulas.
If all of those cues will be covered, the free hand will be under less tension - allowing you to rise to your finger tips and aproaching the full one arm Air Baby.
The full one arm position will become possible after one can hold a consistent 10-15 sec One Arm plus two fingers assistance position sets.
Work it with patience, it will come, but only to those with enough work ethic, patience and will power.
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Handstand Body Line Wall DrillX 10-20 sec X 3 sets / 45-60 sec of rest
C1. QDR Rotational Push Ups -Beginner variation X 10-14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec of rest
D1. Rotations into High Bridge X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. High Bridge hold - total time 30 sec
D2. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 10 reps / perform 3 sets of d1-d2 resting 60 sec after D2 only
E1. Corta Capim Spin X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec of rest
F1. NDA Lateral Push Ups side to side X 20/18/16 reps
Rest 60 seconds between sets
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
F2. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
Complete 2 subsequent supersets of F1-F2 no rest
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Handstand Body Line Wall DrillX 20-30 sec X 3 sets / 45-60 sec of rest
C1. QDR Rotational Push Ups -Beginner variation or QDR Rotational Push Ups -Advanced variation X 10-14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec of rest
D1. Rotations into High Bridge or Rotation Into High Bridge to Head to QDR Exit X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Corta Capim Spin X 14 reps / 3 sets / 45 sec of rest
F1. NDA Lateral Push Ups side to side X 20 reps
Perform 3 sets resting 45 seconds between sets
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
F2. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
Complete 2 subsequent supersets of F1-F2 no rest
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Handstand Body Line Wall DrillX 30 sec
B2. Handstand Straighten Into Line X 45 sec total work
Complete 2 cycles of B1-B2, resting 60 sec between exercises
C1. QDR Circles X 10 reps per side / 3 sets / 60 sec of rest
D1. Rotation Into High Bridge to QDR Exit X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec
E1. Corta Capim Spin X 14 reps / 3 sets / 45 sec of rest
F1. D1. NDA Lateral One Arm Push Ups side to side X 10/8/6/4/2 reps
Rest 60/45/30/15 seconds between sets
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
F2. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
Complete 2 subsequent supersets of F1-F2 no rest
Interesting posts on the forum
The Gaga movement modality - an intersting tool for anyone who moves (still...)
Circus School documentry - watch how the kid equilbirist phenomenon trains
Physical culture from around the world
Ido's number one health tip - clean up your act!
Closed System Flow - post your clip and get a gift - glimpse clip of future Floreio Art movements
Quality of movement thread. Keeps growing. Add your favorite clip!
Dynamic balance - amazing robot video
Fear management for acrobatics - a future release
Improvisation as the highest form of physical expression
Fusion movements are complex movements that are constructed by two basic movements that serve as building blocks of the new creation. The difference between fusion movements and movement sequences is that the movements in the fusion are 'blended' together in a seamless manner, without any use of the transition movement used in the sequence, (the squat in our CSF, so far...) while basicly creating a new movement - it does not longer look like a sequence of two movements that have a start and an end to each of them.
Rotation Into Bridge With QDR Exit
This is a very beautiful fusion movement, that may take a while to develop. Stay focused, make sure your wrists are warmed up and do extra wrist prehab at the end of your sessions.
A strong and stable Static QDR together with the QDR Rotational Push Ups are essential here. Go back to them and practice them often. If you do not have the control to do these, choose the beginner workout and perfect those movements first.
First one should learn the Head Bridge To QDR Push Ups.
Lay on your back. Lift into a back bridge and slide your head back, leaning on it. This will allow you to 'free' one of your arms. Lift it and bring it as far back and to the side as you can - towards your waist, placing the palm in such a way the elbow is pointing up waiting for the body to descend from above into QDR. Move your waist from above (dont collapse) and place the waist on top of the elbow in a QDR position. Make sure the elbow is firm and the wrist, lower arm and upper arm are active and resisting.
Push back up, place your head on the floor and support some weight with it. Free your QDR supporting hand and bring it back to neutral bridge position. Start over on the other side and repeat for reps.
This movement will allow you to 'oil' the lowering down process from the bridge into the QDR. Practice it until it is easy and flowing. Do not neglect this stage, it is essential for futher development.
The next stage is the Head Bridge Lower To QDR And Leg Swings.
In this stage, while lowering down from the head bridge into the QDR we will be using a cross step, from behind the knee, similar to the cross step previously used in the QDR Circles.
After lowering down and cross stepping, and when in a solid QDR position, we will swing the free leg back and forth, while maintaining balance and control, simlulating the future exit.
After 2-5 leg swings, return the swinging leg from in front of the support leg and recross backwards the support leg into the neutral back bridge position, support on the head and change the arms to the other side. Repeat for reps.
The last stage in this developmental practice will be the full Head Bridge Lower Down to QDR and Leg Swings to Slide Out.
After a couple of leg swings in the last stage final position, use the momentum created by the swings to pivot out on the supporting elbow, while changing the orientation of the legs - from one bent and the other straight to the opposite position, and push sideways into the Squat.
I cannot highlight enough the need for strong wrists and arms in the positions above. Starting this practice too early, without the proper joint preparation and strength training specific to this practice, will lead to injury. No matter how strong you think you are, I have seen ex elite gymnasts, weightlifters and dancers hurt themselves trying to learn this movement. Be humble.
The next progression after being comfortable with the Head Bridge Lower to QDR Slide Out is to add a Rotation Into High Bridge at the start.
Start with a Rotation Into High Bridge, when you reach the bridge position, lower down to your head and continue with the last exercise sequence.
After being able to do the complete combination, take away the leg swings before the slide out, to make it even smoother.
The final product is the Rotation Into High Bridge to QDR Exit.
The only difference here is taking away the head lean in the middle of the exercise, making the two movements - rotation into high bridge and QDR rotational push up and blending them in a completely seamless manner. Notice the quality of the movement, smoothness and flow. Those are main concerns in our practice. Dont just do it. Do it with flow.
Corta Capim Rotations
This is a very ancient and traditional movement pattern in many cultures. You can see the Corta Capim movement in Russian Cossack Dances, eastern martial arts, african rituals and more. It is also used in a very sophisticated way in Floreio flow work. (This is only the tip of the iceberg concerning Corta Capim variations and uses in fusion movements... Stay tuned)
From a squat, shift your weight towards one leg, transfering to the ball of the foot and opening up the knee to the side. Straighten the opposite leg sideways and place both hands on the floor in front of you.
Bring the straight leg from the side towards the center, while lifting each obstacle in 'its path' when it arrives at it, and placing the obstacle back down right after it passed.
The first obstacle would be the first hand, then the other hand, and then the opposite foot - the one that supports us on the ground.
In order to lift the foot, we need to momentarily shift the weight off it - to the hands. The body will lean forward, the inside of the supporting leg would lean against the elbow, and the weight shift will allow us to lift the supporting foot up, pass the opposite leg below it and come down into the supporting foot once it has passed.
When you finish the complete rotation either continue into another one or when reaching the original 'legs sideways position', pull your straight leg back and shift into the flat foot squat at the same time.
This whole process needs to be practiced until it is smooth and seamless. It will take some practice, start slow, and 'oil' the movement as you advance.
Other improtant details:
1. The rotating foot will slide on the floor on it heel first, then the side of the foot, (knife of the foot) then the top of the foot, the inside of it and finaly back to the heel.
2. Completely extand the leg at all times during the rotation. You want to create the biggest circle possible with the rotation, there is an special tendency to shorten the arc in the back - making it easier but not complete. Dont fall into this trap.
I have seen many movement artists, athletes and sports man trying this skill, teaching it and.... doing it with very bad movement quality - not a full circle, jerky weight shift and an obvious lack of understanding of the movement details. Dont join them, please. Take notice of the video demonstration, study it and reread the details. The devil is in the details. (and so is God)
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps
A5. Slide Into Low Bridge X 30 sec hold
A6. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 10 reps
Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. High Bridge Hold X 35 sec
C2. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 14 reps
Repeat C1-C2 for 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!
Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only
Floreio Basic Workout - intermidiate
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps
Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. Rotations into High Bridge X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!
Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only
Floreio Basic Workout - advanced
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps
Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups -Advanced variation X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. Rotations Into High Bridge Advanced X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado Presses X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) as little rest as you can for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!
Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only
Interesting links to explore:
1. Great gymnastics oriented strength and conditioning by coach Sommer
2. My good friend and fellow Capoeirista Itapua Beirmar's Youtube Channel
3. My good friend and red hot Paleo Diet nutritionist (But much more) Robb Wolf's Blog
4. Crossfit Portland website led by my good friends Scott, Rochelle and Xi Xia