
Basic training

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today, back to the basics, and lots of mobility!

Floreio Basic Workout - beginner

Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps
A5. Slide Into Low Bridge X 30 sec hold
A6. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 10 reps

Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. High Bridge Hold X 35 sec
C2. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 14 reps
Repeat C1-C2 for 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!

Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only

Floreio Basic Workout - intermidiate

Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps

Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. Rotations into High Bridge X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!

Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only

Floreio Basic Workout - advanced

Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min jump rope
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A5. Rotations Into Low Bridge X 10 reps

Singular Movement Polish
B1. QDR Rotational Push Ups -Advanced variation X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
C1. Rotations Into High Bridge Advanced X 14 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
D1. Au Cortado Presses X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Role work, right-left-left-right-left, etc.. (In Random) as little rest as you can for 2 minutes straight / 3 sets / rest 30 sec (Yes, 30 sec!) Breath, fluid movement! This will become more respiratory than usual after a while, hold on!

Extra Mobility Cool Down
F1. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine
F2. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine
F3. Scapula Mobilization Routine
Repeat F1-F3 X 3 times and rest 60 seconds after F3 only

Interesting links to explore:
1. Great gymnastics oriented strength and conditioning by coach Sommer
2. My good friend and fellow Capoeirista Itapua Beirmar's Youtube Channel
3. My good friend and red hot Paleo Diet nutritionist (But much more) Robb Wolf's Blog
4. Crossfit Portland website led by my good friends Scott, Rochelle and Xi Xia

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