For example, I once counted over 80 types of push ups I use in my training.
The goal is to be strong in every angle, to achieve better control and... dominance of your body in the space around it. I will push (and pull for that matter) in every concievable angle, as long as I understand the biomechanics and think there is a use to it. The result is that I rarely run into situations in which I encounter problems due to a lack of strength. Over the years I have trained in boxing, bouldering, jiu jitsu, ballet, kung fu, ran long distances, track and field, gymnastics, and more and more. I have learned much from those sports/arts and try to incorporate that knowledge into my practice every day.
Today we are going to work on a very basic but the often neglected Bridge Push Ups.
I use a variety of bridge push ups, I will introduce three variations out of many today.
The Basic Bridge Push Ups
This is the basic variation. Lay on your back, bring your heels close to your butt and place your hands, with fingers pointing at your feet, under your shoulders.
Push up into the highest back bridge you can reach, hold momentarily and lower down, trying to bring your butt and shoulder blades at the same time to the floor.
Repeat for reps.
Notice that unlike other performers of this type of push ups I use the full range of motion - back on the floor to complete elbow lockout. You should do the same for maximum results.
The One Leg Bridge Push Ups
This variation will require more control and strength in the posterior chain (hams, glutes and lower back) and will place a higher demand on your core muscles.
I like to use this variation especialy because it transfers so well to various Floreio movements. (I have not shared those movements yet)
Basicly, perform the same bridge push ups, only with one leg extended straight and held off the ground. The same details as the basic variation apply here also. Full range of motion.
The One Arm Bridge Push Ups
This variation will place higher demands on your arms and shoulders as well to a host of muscles running across the upper body that will get activated here as stabilizers, due to the lack of support from the free arm.
From the basic starting position, use only one arm to push up into a one arm back bridge. Hold momentarily and lower down under control.
This variation can be out of reach to some people due to a lack of active flexibility and strength in many areas in the body. Work the basic bridge push ups variations for a while before you try to tackle this one.
Workout - beginner
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Static QDR 10-30 sec per side / 3 sets / 45 sec rest
C1. Head Bridge To QDR Work (choose the variation you are capable of) 10-20 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec
D1. High Bridge Static Hold 30 sec
D2. Rotations Into Arch Using The Wall X 10 reps
D1. Rotations into High Bridge X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec rest
E1. Corta Capim Rotations X 20 reps per side / 3 sets / 60 sec
F1. The Shrimp (foot+knee or just knee of the back leg touching the ground)
F2. Swedish Bench Hanging Leg Raises
F3. Basic Bridge Push Ups
Perform 10 (5-5 per leg in the shrimp),8,6,4,2 reps with as little rest as possible of F1-F3
G1. Wrists Routine X 2 subsequent sets / 60 sec rest
Workout - intermidiate
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Static QDR 20-30 sec per side / 3 sets / 45 sec rest
C1. Rotation Into High Bridge to Head to QDR Exit X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec
D1. Corta Capim Rotations X 30 reps per side / 3 sets / 60 sec
E1. The Shrimp (just knee of the back leg touching the ground)
E2. 0-90 Hanging Leg Raises
E3. One Leg Bridge Push Ups (change legs every rep)
Perform 10 (5-5 per leg in the shrimp),8,6,4,2 reps with as little rest as possible of F1-F3
G1. Wrists Routine X 2 subsequent sets / 60 sec rest
Workout - advanced
Warm Up - Mobility
A1. 5 min Joint Mobility
A2. Wrists Routine X 1 set
A3. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 set
A4. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 set
A5. Scapula Mobilization Routine X 1 set
B1. Static QDR 30 sec per side / 3 sets / 45 sec rest
C1. Rotation Into High Bridge to QDR Exit X 10 reps / 3 sets / 60 sec
D1. Corta Capim Rotations X 45 sec of work per side / 3 sets / 60 sec
E1. The Shrimp - in a quad stretch position or with knee only touching behind you
E2. 0-90 Hanging Leg Raises or One Arm Hanging Leg Raises (change arms every rep)
E3. One Arm Bridge Push Ups (change arms every rep)
Perform 10 (5-5 per leg in the shrimp),8,6,4,2 reps with as little rest as possible of F1-F3
G1. Wrists Routine X 2 subsequent sets / 60 sec rest
Yes! This workout will work the back bridge position a lot! If it is too much for you, take down the volume a bit. If you have been following the workouts from the start, you should do fine. Make sure you do some soft tissue work on your lower back tomorow, either in a form of massage or foam rolling. (Self education through the internet is a beautiful thing...)
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